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Arrangements for a funeral are normally made through a Funeral Director but it's important that you consult the Rector before any arrangements are finalized.

His phone number is 028 9083 2726.

On the occasion of a funeral service in the Church, the facilities of our Parish Centre are available to offer tea, coffee, sandwiches etc. to help with any family gatherings. The Tea Brew organize this support so for further information please contact Mrs. Winnie Millar at 028 9084 0778.

When someone we love dies, we are left with a deep sense of loss, a void that takes time to fill. We experience a variety of emotions: crying, denial, loneliness, anxiety, anger, guilt, apathy and depression.

Grieving is a long-term process and one of the most difficult of our human journeys.

Life is never the same but with God's grace to uplift us, our wounds can heal. This is a church that cares deeply about you in such situations so please do not hesitate to contact the Rector by phone, email or by calling in at the Rectory.

Page last updated by Michael on 26th August 2014 at 2:32 pm

Church of the Holy Spirit, 60 Manse Road, Mossley, Newtownabbey BT36 6XR

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